We are so pleased you are considering enrolling your daughter with us.
Please read the documents listed below for full details regarding the application process:
Admissions Appeals
We adhere to the admissions appeal process set out by Tower Hamlets:
If you are not offered a place at a school of your preference you can appeal that decision. The appeals panel is independent of the council and schools in the borough.
You must complete and submit your appeal onlineThis is a simple and safe way to appeal and you will get a receipt to confirm it has been submitted.
Please include any evidence or supporting material with your online appeal and you must give the reasons for your appeal at the time the appeal is submitted. You may appeal for more than one school.
Taken from
Year 7 September admissions
The Governors and the local Authority seek to offer the following:
As an Inner London School and subject to the pan-London Admission Arrangements, the Governors of CFGS work with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Education Authority to process its admissions into Year 7 each September. In Year 7, the school takes an even balance of students in each of the ability bands.
Our school is oversubscribed in all ability bands. The Governors and Headteacher strongly advise parents of Year 6 Primary School students to put CFGS as their first choice in their list of preferences of secondary school for their daughter. All applications will be considered against the Governors’ Admission Policy at Primary/Secondary transfer stage.
When the school is oversubscribed in any one ability area, the Tower Hamlets admissions criteria are applied. Please refer to the Tower Hamlets Transfer to a Secondary School booklet for details. Casual admissions to all years, including the sixth form, are subject to the Governing Body’s Admissions Procedure.
We would encourage all parents considering CFGS as their daughter’s school to attend one of our open mornings and/or our open evening. This is an unique chance to see our school in action on an average day, meet the Headteacher, speak to students, have a good look around and ask questions.
New Intake Induction Days
The incoming Year 7 has an Induction day in early July prior for students starting in September. The aim of this day is to allow the students to experience the surroundings of their new school and to undertake a variety of activities connected with learning at secondary school. They work in their new form group along with a form tutor on such things as personal organisation and have taster sessions in the school’s specialism of Performing Arts. There may also be some assessments to undertake on that day. This is an important opportunity for students to get to know each other and their way around the school.
To welcome new parents into our school, we offer a special parents’ coffee morning to introduce the SEND department and Community provision to parents of Year 7 students with additional needs. This takes place before the Year 7 induction day. This is an opportunity for parents to meet the headteacher and key staff as well as access information sessions and stalls. Most importantly, the event will provide a fun but focused opportunity for parents and students to look around the school. Parents are therefore further equipped to help their daughters feel confident about attending their Induction Day the following day. There is a second induction day in September. This is the Year 7s first day of secondary school and we aim to make it as exciting, informative and settling as possible. Students will have ample opportunity to find their way around their new school, bond with their peer group and find out how life at CFGS works.
Admission of students with disabilities
The admission of students into Year 7 at CFGS follows the admission procedure operated by the Local Education Authority. The LEA uses currently published criteria to allocate places to students. Click here to read about students who have disabilities (link to Access and Inclusion).
Parents of Year 6 students with Educational Health Care Plans will be asked to name their school of choice on their daughter’s secondary school education. The Local Authority SEN Panel will then liaise with the named secondary schools to consider whether the school can meet your daughter’s needs.
Parents and students are very welcome to visit the school and meet the SENCO before making this decision. Please contact the school’s SENCO to make an appointment to visit.
Further advice and support for this process can be accessed from the Parents’ Advice Centre:
Parents Advice Centre
30 Greatorex Street
E1 5NP
Telephone: 020 7364 6489
In-year admissions
If you want to make an admission mid-term, please contact the Local Authority, Pupil Admissions Team, to start the admissions process.
If your daughter is currently attending another Tower Hamlets school, she will only be able to transfer at the beginning of a half term or new term. You will need to show the Part B (completed by her current school) to Pupil Services who will pass this on to us.
If your daughter is currently out of school or from abroad, please contact Tower Hamlets Pupil Admissions Team. We will endeavour to get your daughter on roll as soon as possible, spaces permitting.
In order to ensure we offer your daughter the best possible start, her literacy skills will be assessed and we will ask you to attend an interview with her new Head of Year.
You may want to view the Tower Hamlets website for further information and useful links, including a link to download the “Ready for Secondary School in Tower Hamlets” booklet.
They have also produced a video on secondary transfer which parents may find a helpful and informative support to the secondary transfer process.
Pupil Admissions Team
Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG
Tel: 020 7 364 5006