CFGS6 Discretionary Bursary
The 16-19 Bursary fund was introduced by the Government to support the most vulnerable young persons to overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education. CFGS6 is committed to ensuring the funs is used to support financially disadvantaged young people with the costs of participating in their post 16 study programme and can be used for books, transport to CFGS6 and other course related costs needed to help a young person stay in education. This fund has been allocated to individual providers of Post 16 education and this policy document is based on advice provided by Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and sets out how CFGS6 will administer and distribute this fund. This Policy adheres to ESFA guidance and will be reviewed every three years or as required
To find out more about the CFGS6 Bursary, please read through this information
Please also familiarise yourself with our Bursary Fact Sheet and the Guide to Completing the Bursary Form and Evidence