Central Foundaton Girls' School

Central Foundation Girls' School Sixth Form


Members of the Governing Body 

Governors (ID 1231)

  • Mr Barry Gooden
  • Ms Carla Prince
  • Mr Clive Arding
  • Mr John Cruse
  • Mr Lionel Green
  • Mr Shahanur Khan
  • Mr Aminul Hoque
  • Ms Hilary Evenett
  • Ms Jaheda Zaman
  • Dr Shamira Bhikha
  • Ms Afia Khatun
  • Ms Donna Jones
  • Dr Mahera Ruby
  • Ms Tasnim Ghiawadwala
  • Ms Sarah Branch
  • Mr Luke Jaggar

 All Governors are elected for a period of four years but often stand for more than one term of office.

The Chair of Governors at 1st September 2023 is Mr Barry Gooden

The Vice Chair of Governors at 1st September 2023 is Ms Hilary Evenett

The Clerk to the Governing Body for 2022 - 2023 is NPW Governor Services, The Education SpaceBoardman House, 64 Broadway, (Third Floor) London, E15 1NT

All members

Member Expiry Date of Term of Office
Mr Barry Gooden (Foundation) 30/11/2025
Ms Carla Prince (Headteacher) Ex Officio
Mr Clive Arding (Foundation) 09/07/2024
Mr John Cruse (Foundation) 31/08/2024
Mr Lionel Green (Foundation) 25/03/2027
Ms Tasnim Ghiwadwala (Foundation) 14/07/2027
Mr Shahanur Khan (Foundation) 01/04/2025
Ms Hilary Evenett (Foundation) 20/03/2026
Mr Luke Jaggar (Foundation) 14/12/2027
Ms Sarah Branch (Co-opted) 16/11/2027
Ms Jaheda Zaman (Staff) 06/03/2026
Ms Shamira Bhikha (Parent) 09/05/2026
Ms Afia Khatun (Parent) 05/05/2025
Mr Aminul Hoque (Parent) 24/10/2027
Ms Catherine Harrington (Co-opted) 07/07/2025
Ms Donna Jones (Co-opted) 13/05/2024
Ms Mahera Ruby (Co-opted) 30/06/2025

What is our Role?

Governors are the employers and support the Headteacher in the development of the strategic direction of the school. The Headteacher is responsible for the daily running of the school and together with the Governing Body provides the leadership directions. At Central Foundation Girls’ School we have been privileged for some years to support a very successful school, so that our task is to help to maintain and improve on success.

Governors are responsible for the strategic vision of the school and for supporting the Headteacher and her staff in achieving that vision. Governors have responsibility for appointing the Headteacher, managing the school’s budget, setting annual targets and monitoring performance against those targets, all in the interest of raising standards of achievement. In addition to these statutory responsibilities, Governors do a wide variety of other things, either through formal committee activity or through personal involvement with the day-to-day life of the school.

Most queries about the management of Central Foundation Girls’ School and the progress of any individual child should be directed in the first instance to the school itself but Mr. Barry Gooden, Chair of Governors, or other Governors will be happy to answer any general questions, particularly in relation to the role of the Governing Body.

Letters addressed to governors should be sent to the school:

c/o Clerk to the Governing Body,

Central Foundation Girls’ School,

25-33 Bow Road, London E3 2AE

Structure and Remit of the Governing Body

Central Foundation Girls’ School is a Voluntary Aided Foundation School maintained by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The Governing Body has the overall responsibility, under the Education Act 2002, for the conduct of the school, for promoting high standards of educational achievement, and for ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. 

The Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Body for the internal organisation, management and control, and the educational performance of the school and its students. The governing body has responsibility for the appointment of all staff but has delegated this to the Headteacher for all staff below Deputy Headteacher. 

Governors are responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent, and ensuring that Central Foundation Girls’ School has an effective and appropriate system of financial and management controls. The Governing Body has delegated the day to day responsibility to the Headteacher for implementing effective management systems, including financial monitoring and control systems, and for ensuring that the systems conform with good financial management practices and with the finance regulations of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.  


The Governing Body meets four times a year. Governors, in addition to attending the main Governing Body, attend the meetings of at least one of the committees so that each Governor attends a meeting between seven and ten times a year, together with visits to the school for other reasons. We also try to attend public events such school play performances, music concerts and prize-giving ceremonies. 

Central Foundation Girls' School meeting attendance | 2022-2023


Governors Action Plan

How to become a Governor

If you want to become a Governor or would like to know more information about the Governing Body, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Ms Tandra Hussain. 

Email: tandra.hussain@theeducationspace.co.uk

Phone: 020 8249 6920

Alternatively general enquires can be forwarded to: governorservices@npwinet.co.uk