Central Foundaton Girls' School

Central Foundation Girls' School Sixth Form


The Maths faculty aims to ensure that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics. Our curriculum gives pupils the ability to empower, evaluate and challenge themselves to meeting their full potential. It also encourages them to become independent learners with the confidence to apply Mathematical skills and knowledge in everyday life and gets them ready for work place. Our lessons are varied and foster the love of Maths by creating a formal but stimulating atmosphere which is conducive to learning. Frequent practice with increasingly complex problems are built into the curriculum so that pupils can develop their conceptual understanding, reason mathematically and problem solve by applying learnt knowledge and skills to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication. Students are also encouraged to develop their enquiry skills and the ability to justify their methods using Mathematical language.  

Enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities 

  • UKMT challenges
  • Money week
  • Number day
  • Average girl project
  • House project

Subject Overview and Curriculum Map

Subject Overview

Curriculum Map


 To contact the Maths Department please email: Maths@central.towerhamlets.sch.uk.

Ms M. Chaudry Head of Faculty
Ms Y. Akbar Teacher of Maths
Ms S. Akthar Teacher of Maths
Ms S. El-Damanawi Teacher of Maths / Deputy Headteacher
Ms M. Fleming Teacher of Maths / KS5 Lead
Mr I. Hamid Teacher of Maths
Ms M. Harris Teacher of Maths
Mr E. Hoque Teacher of Maths / Second in Charge of Maths
Mr E. Islam Teacher of Maths / KS4 Lead
Mr A. Tahir Teacher of Maths / KS3 Lead
Ms A. Javed Teacher of Maths
Ms. H Begum Teacher of Maths
Ms F. Najib Numeracy across the curriculum coordinator
Ms V. West

Interim Maths Interventions Teacher