Central Foundaton Girls' School

Central Foundation Girls' School Sixth Form

theSwitch Assessment Centre

Year 12 took part in an Assessment Centre facilitated by theSwitch on Friday 14th July. Students were assessed on their verbal and non verbal communication skills the moment they entered the venue so that they obtained a realistic experience that mirrored the industry.  


‘I found the assessment centre really engaging and informative that has helped increase my knowledge and made me better prepared for future assessments’


Students partook in a range of timed activities that enabled them to demonstrate and challenge their skills. 


‘The activities provided were interactive and enjoyable, whilst demanding quick thinking, problem solving and teamwork skills’.  


Team building and problem solving skills were put to the test in the ‘Tower Building’ exercise, where students were given blue-tac and X straws and they had to create the tallest tower. There was fierce competition across all groups, but the tallest on stood out amongst the rest at a towering 1 meter 20cm and stood proud for 2.5 hours until we dismantled it! 


‘The straw challenge was fun. Taught us about time management, communication and importance of trial and error’.   


‘I enjoyed applying my knowledge to the activities, especially the tower construction.’ 


Communication, prioritising, and rational thinking skills were demonstrated in the remote island activity where they had to choose 3 items from a list of resources that they would take with them. All students fed back to their peers what they had chosen and why.   


Skim reading, summarising and analytical skills were put to the test as they became an employer and read CVs for a retail position. Students completed a crib sheet identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the ’applicants’ CV and presented back to their peers who they chose for an interview and had to justify why against the JD and expectations of a CV. 


‘Participating in this assessment centre allowed me to gain better understanding of the overall process as well as creating a relevant and outstanding CV.’ 


‘It was insightful to learn about the inner workings of assessment centres and what ‘they’ are looking for’. 


‘I enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of what recruiters have to go through and what they are looking for when employing someone.’ 


‘When we speak we say something we know. When we listen we learn something new.  I’ll definitely be taking this away with me!’ 






More photos have been shared on our Instagram: cfgs_6