Central Foundaton Girls' School

Central Foundation Girls' School Sixth Form

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011 to address the national priority of raising achievement and closing the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their peers.  It is additional funding from the government to address issues of inequality by ensuring that resources to tackle disadvantage reaches the students who need it most.  Pupil Premium is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of students who have been eligible for free school meals at any time in the last 6 years or are children in local authority care (or who have left local authority care, i.e. adoption) or are children whose parents are in the Armed Forces.

Pupil Premium Funding

It is the responsibility of each school to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent.

Central Foundation Girls’ School received:

Amount Year
£647,955 September 2020 to August 2021
£567,360 September 2022 to August 2023
£573,065 September 2023 to August 2024

Pupil Premium Strategy

The school uses this grant to provide a wide range of interventions to support and accelerate the progress of Pupil Premium students.   The impact of each intervention is tracked.

To view and download the Pupil Premium strategy, please click the respective year below: