Central Foundaton Girls' School

Central Foundation Girls' School Sixth Form

Religious Studies

The Religious Education (RE) department at CFGS are committed in ensuring that RE is challenging, inspiring and engaging. We want CFGS students to develop their levels of religious literacy, conceptual understanding and be able to articulate with their ideas about religion, beliefs and spirituality. They should learn to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the rights of others to differ. Our curriculum will enable our students to become confident learners and ask questions about beliefs and practices and challenge different viewpoints. We want our students to reflect on their own beliefs and be able to explain why they have these.

We promote British values in RE lessons by providing opportunities for our students to study different opinions and beliefs with an open mind, this will promote social cohesion and integration. Within RE lessons, students practise Central Essentials through respecting beliefs and opinions that are different to their own. Studying RE at CFGS enables our students to be thoughtful members of a diverse, modern and plural society. It will raise questions of spirituality, identity and question morality.

Enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities 

  • The department offers trips to various places of worship. This includes visit to the Christian Baptist Church to take part in activities on Easter and Christmas and the local Gurdwara.
  • Participating in national competition with NATRE to produce artwork to represent good RE
  • Masterclasses
  • University visits and lectures
  • Opportunities to deliver assemblies

Subject Overview, Curriculum Map and Syllabus

Subject Overview

Curriculum Map



 To contact the RE Department please email: RE@central.towerhamlets.sch.uk.

Miss A. Chowdhury

Head of RE

Ms A. Khanom 

Teacher of RE 
Ms R. Mohamed Teacher of RE

Ms U. Sroda 

Teacher of RE / EAL Co-Ordinator

Ms C. Drysdale 

Teacher of RE